Minority female entrepreneur Stephanie Lampkin at meeting table signing document smiling.



In the world of technology and entrepreneurship, some exceptional talents often fly under the radar. One such brilliant mind is Stephanie Lampkin, a lesser-known female entrepreneur who has been steadily making her mark in the tech industry. Her inspiring story and relentless pursuit of excellence are sure to spark your curiosity and make you wonder how she has managed to achieve so much in such a short span of time.

Stephanie's journey revolves around her innovative venture that has been transforming the way businesses approach hiring and talent management. This unique platform addresses a significant challenge faced by companies and job seekers alike, paving the way for a more inclusive and efficient recruitment process. Stay tuned as we explore more about her groundbreaking work and its impact on the tech world.

As we delve deeper into Stephanie Lampkin's story, we will also take a closer look at her roots and the personal experiences that have shaped her into the successful entrepreneur she is today. Prepare to be inspired as we unravel the secrets behind her achievements and learn valuable lessons from her experiences.


Stephanie Lampkin: An Inspiring Background and Early Life


Stephanie Lampkin was born and raised in Prince George's County and Charles County, Maryland. Growing up in a low-tech household, she was described as a competitive tomboy who embraced challenges. Despite her humble beginnings, Stephanie's high school years were marked by her unwavering determination and intellectual curiosity.

Her family played a crucial role in shaping her interests and aspirations. With a tech-savvy aunt and an entrepreneurial-minded mother, Stephanie became interested in computer science at an early age. Her mother's influence in particular was instrumental in developing her entrepreneurial spirit, as she learned to code at just 13 years old.

Some highlights from Stephanie's formative years include:

  • Working her first job at age 13, managing inventory and bookkeeping for her mother's Mary Kay business
  • Developing a love for Black literature and Black history
  • Acknowledging the ongoing struggle for equality and the need for progress

As we continue exploring Stephanie Lampkin's story, we'll take a closer look at her entrepreneurial journey - from her initial idea to her eventual breakthrough in the world of technology and innovation. Stay tuned for insights into her determination, resilience, and relentless pursuit of success.


Stephanie Lampkin gesturing in interview, female founder of Blendoor.

From Idea to Reality: Stephanie Lampkin's Entrepreneurial Breakthrough


Stephanie Lampkin's first entrepreneurial venture, Blendoor, was born out of her personal experiences and her passion for promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This innovative idea aimed to revolutionize the hiring process and create a more equitable job market.

Blendoor is a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) analytics and hiring software company that seeks to eliminate bias in hiring practices. It does this by removing job applicants' race, gender, name, and age, leaving only their qualifications. This allows recruiters to focus solely on an individual's skills and experience. One concrete example of how Blendoor achieves this is through their "blind" applicant matching system, which was unique and groundbreaking at the time of its creation.

Stephanie's moment of inspiration came during an interview for an analytical lead position at a major tech firm. She experienced discrimination firsthand, which led her to conceive the idea for Blendoor. This powerful experience motivated her to find a solution to tackle bias in hiring processes.

The problem that Blendoor addresses is deeply rooted in today's job market. Key statistics highlighting this issue include:

  • Minority job applicants are less likely to receive callbacks than equally qualified white applicants
  • Women are often underrepresented in leadership positions within organizations
  • Age discrimination remains a prevalent issue, affecting both older and younger job seekers

Stephanie began working on bringing her idea to fruition in 2014, and it wasn't long before she had a working prototype. She participated in the 2014 Digital Undivided conference, where she pitched Blendoor and won the hackathon, marking the beginning of her entrepreneurial success.

As we continue our exploration of Stephanie Lampkin's journey, we will delve into her entrepreneurial roadmap and milestones, uncovering the challenges she faced and the steps she took to overcome them in her quest for success.


Blendoor CEO and founder Stephanie Lampkin on stage speaking on topic of unconscious bias in large lecture theatre.
Stephanie Lampkin smiling brightly, brick wall in background.

Step by Step: The Roadmap and Milestones of Blendoor's Journey


Stephanie Lampkin's journey to bring Blendoor to life was marked by several key stages, each with its own set of milestones and challenges. Through perseverance and determination, she was able to overcome these obstacles and achieve breakthrough success with her venture.

Year/Month Stage Number Key Goals Key Developments/Achievements
2014 1 Idea Conception and Validation Experienced discrimination in job interview, sparking the idea for Blendoor
2014 2 Prototype Development Created a working prototype of Blendoor's platform
2014 3 Initial Exposure Participated in the Digital Undivided conference, winning the hackathon with Blendoor pitch
2015-2016 4 Fundraising and Team Building Faced challenges in fundraising and building a team, but eventually succeeded in securing investment and assembling a dedicated team
2016-Present 5 Growth and Expansion Blendoor adopted by major tech firms and featured in MIT Technology Review's 35 Innovators Under 35 list

While the table above may make Blendoor's journey appear straightforward, it's important to remember that countless obstacles were overcome at each stage to move forward.

Some of the obstacles Stephanie faced and overcame during Blendoor's development include:

  1. Fundraising challenges: Initially, Stephanie struggled to secure funding for Blendoor. She persisted and was eventually successful in raising the necessary capital.
  2. Building a team: Assembling a skilled and dedicated team was another challenge, but Stephanie's vision and determination attracted the right people to help her bring Blendoor to life.
  3. Overcoming the "pipeline problem myth": Stephanie's research revealed a significant drop-off in diversity as one moves higher up in management and board representation, particularly in the finance sector. This informed the development of Blendoor's product and mission to address these inequalities.
  4. Standardization of DEI data: With regulators and investors increasingly requiring companies to report DEI data, Stephanie recognized the need for standardization in data reporting, especially for private companies. Blendoor's platform now aims to help individuals understand intersectional differences among companies.


Stephanie Lampkin smiling standing in hall of office space, black and white image, torso portrait. Stephanie Lampkin with arm over shoulder of young female of color both people smiling brightly.

Connecting with Stephanie Lampkin and Blendoor


Throughout this article, we have explored the inspiring journey of Stephanie Lampkin and her venture, Blendoor, which aims to promote diversity and inclusion in the hiring process. From her experiences with discrimination to the conception and growth of her platform, Stephanie's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and vision in entrepreneurship.

If you're interested in learning more about Blendoor and its mission, or if you'd like to connect with Stephanie Lampkin, we encourage you to explore their platform and join their community. Stephanie speaks English and Spanish, which makes her even more accessible to a broader audience. You can also follow her on social media to stay updated on her latest activities and insights.

Here is a comprehensive list of Stephanie Lampkin and Blendoor's online presence:


Image and Information Sources

We'd like to express our appreciation for the sources that provided valuable information and images for this blog post:



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